Dr.Rameshchandra S. Kotwal
With the conviction of maintaining the standards of what I have always dreamed of achieving, with the determination of delivering the best I have always wanted, with the aspiration of being the one who can be attributed with the finest qualities in the field, it was on 24th October, 2014 that I announced the opening of my own coaching institute “SAMVIDHAAN Career Academy”.
A formal inauguration ceremony followed on 1st November, 2014. The first course that the academy offered was the one for GPSC Class 1 & 2 Main Examination and thereafter it went on to conducting different courses for state services exams & UPSC exams. So far the academy has conducted two batches for UPSC Civil Services Exam, two General Studies batches for GPSC Class 1 & 2 Main Exam, two batches for Public Administration (Optional Subject), two batches for Deputy Mamlatdar/Deputy Section Officer Preliminary Exam, one batch for Deputy Mamlatdar/Deputy Section Officer Main Exam, two batches for Police Sub Inspector/Assistant Sub Inspector/Constable Exams, one batch for Revenue Talati Exam. In this span of little more than two years, the academy does have to its credit selection of more than 30 candidates in various services.
Academy’s pedagogy is being contemporary while being traditional, being simple while being complex. This approach has been adopted intentionally to counter the so called contemporary approach of teaching through power point presentations and videos. Traditional approach of teaching where human interactions used to be at center sounds to be fading away & oversimplified means have taken place to replace the teacher with the narrator. Academy strives to achieve personality enrichment of the students in a way that it becomes tradition-bound contemporaneous.
Things need to sound complex in order to get simplified. Academy takes it as a matter of pride that we adopt the most difficult ways of preparing for the exams as no great thing can be achieved with simple tools. Passing through these difficult roads makes learning a real learning experience.
Academy has established its own norms & standards which find no compromise while working on the goals to be realized. Words cannot sum up the spirit of pedagogy, let your visit to the academy sum up, let the reviews of the students in ‘Reviews’ section tell the story.