Rights Issues (1530 downloads)
United Nations (884 downloads)
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkarji (1288 downloads)
Indus Valley Civilization (1302 downloads)
Indian Economy (Foreign Trade - Balance of Payment) (1301 downloads)
Indian Economy (Foreign Trade - Trend, Composition, Direction) (655 downloads)
Indian Economy (Industries - Special Economic Zones) (602 downloads)
Indian Economy (Industries - New Industrial Policy, PSU reforms) (610 downloads)
Indian Economy (Industries - Micro,Small & Medium Enterprises) (611 downloads)
Indian Economy (Industries - Industrial Licensing) (501 downloads)
Indian Economy (Industries) (502 downloads)
Indian Economy (Planning - Gadgil Formula) (492 downloads)
Indian Economy (Planning - Basics, Five Year Plans) (555 downloads)
Indian Economy (Planning - Basics, History) (578 downloads)
Indian Economy (Public Finance - Taxation in India) (528 downloads)
Indian Economy (Public Finance - Finance Commission) (598 downloads)
Indian Economy (Public Finance - Centre-State Financial Relations) (503 downloads)
Indian Economy (Public Finance - Budget) (526 downloads)
Indian Economy (Agriculture) (678 downloads)
Literature of Gujarati Language (1605 downloads)
History of Gujarat (2613 downloads)
Geography of Gujarat (2043 downloads)
Indian Geography (1726 downloads)
Geography - 2 (1515 downloads)
Geography - 1 (1845 downloads)
A talk on National Anthem issue (506 downloads)
રાષ્ટ્રગાન મુદ્દે એક ચર્ચા (903 downloads)
Thanks sir,
Very Good and Grasping material
Sir m laksmikant ni pdf to asani thi mli rahe che..but constitution ni tmari pdf nai malti.gujarati ma che etle thodi help kro kevi rite download kri skiye pdf tmari..plz
How to download book in pdf sir…?
amne garv che tamara par ane tamara work par.
sir please i want to advise about economic book@ભારતની અર્થવ્યવસ્થાની બુક મુખ્ય પરીક્ષા માટે છે?
Sir aa nilambankari veto ne pocket veto ne suspension veto aa badhu kaya desh ma thi ledhel 6e…. Aavo 1 question joyo 6e answer bolo ne sir
Sir, as on 20-05-2019 still new version of Polity book 2019 is not available in Ahmedabad market.kindly suggest if there any book store where updated version is available.
It’s available. Contact Sahitya Mandir, near SPIPA, Satellite.
Hello…sir plzzz….how to log in with this site ??? Need help
Bharat nu bandharn book by viklp kotawal sir
Let’s book buy
Hello Nakum, we are preparing 4th edition of the said book. It will be published soon.
સર તમારા દ્વારા સરસ મજાનું મટીરીયલ બનાવવામાં આવે છે
Hello Sir,
When Ethics book will be available in market?
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Thank you.
No plan to publish it for now.
Please give me your appointment as i am competitive exam aspirant and may 10 minutes of sir’s guidance become a game changer of my life.
call 84697 43567
પુસ્તકાલય થઈ જ્યારે ઘરે આવીએ અને તમારૂ પુસ્તક હાથમાં આવે ત્યારે દિવસભરનો થાક દૂર થઈ જાય છે. વિદ્યાર્થીઓને સારી સમજ અને સાચું માર્ગદર્શન આપવા બદલ આભાર.🙏
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